お知らせ: NOASCの無料リゾート送迎で近隣のスキーエリアをご体験ください!
Niseko Summer Rafting
Niseko Summer Rafting
Adult 6,300yen Child 4,500yen.
As the water levels drop around Niseko with the disappearing snow melt, we move up river to our Summer rafting course. With the warming conditions your Raft guide will introduce you to your river and surrounds by getting you and your crew involved in various activities/games, while you negoitating the numerous rapids along the way. Even though the overall length of the course is only approximatley 6.5km, you will still be on the river for approximately 90-120 mintues.
Copacabana, Rio
Copacabana, Rio
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a libero orci, vitae fringilla neque. Nullam nec feugiat ante.
Pick Your Destination!
The Last Minute offers are in Hot Scroller module. Beside several custom modules with interesting locations and lists of the places to visit, the template also includes Hot Maps module that shows Google maps of selected location.
Niseko Canyoning
Experience a Niseko Canyoning Trip.
Walk, float, swim and jump your way down river on our Niseko Canyoning tour.
NOASC offers a choice of 2 canyoning courses in the Niseko Region to our guests; our Konbu River course situated in Niseko, and our "Onsen no sawa" River course, located in neighbouring Rankoshi town. Based of the tour, season and conditions we will take you on a trip you won't forget to soon.